Facebook blocks Yair Netanyahu after he calls to avenge deaths of Israelis

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Facebook blocks Yair Netanyahu after he calls to avenge deaths of Israelis

Social media site censors son of the Israeli prime minister after he called for revenge against Palestinians, as he brands the network the 'thought police'

Yair Netanyahu
Yair Netanyahu

Facebook blocked the account of Yair Netanyahu after he shared content banned by the platform that called for avenging the deaths of Israelis killed in recent days by Palestinian terrorists.

Netanyahu, the son of the Israeli prime minister, also called Facebook “thought police” in a post criticising the removal of previous content.

He reposted some of the offensive posts using screenshots, which circumvent the social media site’s controls.

Last week, Yair Netanyahu said in a post that the press, as well as left-wing NGOs and politicians, are “traitors,” and in another post suggested that all Muslims leave Israel.

He has previously been criticised for his boorish social media posts.

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